‘Striking Targets’ – a strategy paper

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How can we enable societies to rise to the climate challenge as it confronts us in 2015? Philip Sutton’s recently published paper ‘Striking Targets’ – Matching climate goals with climate reality addresses the scale and speed of change needed, at the 11th hour, to provide the maximum possible protection for the world’s people, species and ecosystems.  

» Read more about ‘Striking Targets’ on www.breakthroughonline.org.au 

“Those climate goals our politicians keep talking about don’t match with the climate reality. There is a huge gap between what the world needs for climate restoration, and where we are heading. At best, Paris will deliver commitments that will lead to over 3°C degrees of warming.”

» Centre for Climate Safety:
Houston, we have… a huge gap!

About the Author:

Mik Aidt is a Danish journalist, musician and climate action campaigner based in Australia