28-29 October: The Australian Climate Security Panel (Canberra)
- Australia and its neighbours are on the frontline of climate change. Soaring temperatures, rising sea levels and increases in extreme weather events will play a role in raising the risk of conflict, increasing the displacement of people and worsening the extent of destruction caused by extreme weather events in our region. Climate change exposes Australian soldiers, sailors and airmen, as well as Australia more broadly, to considerable strategic risk and uncertainty.
- UNSW Canberra has partnered with the Climate Council to host The Australian Climate Security Panel. Hosted by UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy, this panel will bring together world renowned Defence leaders and a scientific expert to discuss climate change, its security implications and the steps being taken by the US and UK militaries to be prepared.
- To register your attendance and for further information, please click here.
1 Nov – UNFCCC compilation report of INDCs
- The secretariat is set to release its synthesis report on the aggregate effect of the INDCs communicated by Parties. (Parties’ submissions published here.)
- Further to the negotiations under the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP), the Conference of the Parties (COP) invited all Parties to initiate or intensify domestic preparations for their Intended National Determined Contributions (INDCs) towards achieving the objective of the Convention, without prejudice to the legal nature of the contributions, in the context of adopting a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention applicable to all Parties.
- The COP invited all Parties to communicate to the secretariat their INDCs well in advance of COP 21 (by the first quarter of 2015 by those Parties ready to do so) in a manner that facilitates the clarity, transparency and understanding of the INDC. The COP also invited all Parties to consider communicating their undertakings in adaptation planning or consider including an adaptation component in their intended nationally determined contributions.
10 Nov – Release of IEA’s World Energy Outlook
12 Nov – IEA World Energy Outlook 2015 Launch (Belgium)
- The global climate negotiations leading up to December’s Paris conference, along with the precipitous fall in oil prices, and conflicts and instability in the Middle East are all making energy markets around the world more volatile than ever. What are the economic, environmental and security implications of so much uncertainty for Europe?
- The event will start with the presentation of the latest IEA flagship publication by Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the IEA, followed by a high-level panel debate, moderated by Chris Burns, Strategic Adviser at Friends of Europe.
- More information and registration here.
13 & 14 Nov – Live Earth & 24 Hours of Reality
- Climate Reality’s fifth-annual 24 Hours of Reality wiill be a live, 24-hour event broadcast from eight key countries around the world and include appearances and commentary from Climate Reality Chairman Al Gore, and feature musical performances.
- It aims to give a voice to people across the globe, allowing viewers online access to the best climate science, solutions and stories of progress in the climate fight. Together with partners all over the world the event will call on all citizens to demand a strong emissions reductions agreement when the world’s leaders gather in Paris this December to shape a new global climate agreement at COP21.
14 Nov – 2015 Clean Air Summit (Melbourne)
- Environmental Justice Australia are convening the 2015 Clean Air Summit – an opportunity for clean air advocates to share experience, sharpen our analysis and plan for cooperative action.
- In air pollution hotspots around Australia, communities are suffering the brunt of air pollution that is poorly regulated and increasing year by year. Particle pollution from coal mines has doubled in the last 5 years and trebled in the last 10. Toxic emissions from power stations and fracking are of concern in many communities. Our emission standards for wood heaters and motor vehicles are outdated, and there is a strong case for much stricter national ambient air pollution standards. Environment ministers are expected to adopt new standards this December.
- More information to come.
14 Nov – Stop Funding Fossils day of action
- The Stop Funding Fossils Day of Action will highlight the urgent need to end financial support for fossil fuel exploration, extraction and production. It will not only press governments to take immediate steps to follow up their pledges to end fossil fuel subsidies, but also put them on notice of a sustained global campaign targeting a complete phase out of financial support for fossil fuels.
- More information here. Have your organisation endorse it here.
15-16 Nov – G20 Leaders Summit in (Turkey)
- In 2014 climate change emerged as a key issue at the G20 meetings, despite host nation Australia obstructing that process. The G20 presidency shifts from Australia to Turkey this year with this year’s meetings taking place in Antalya.
- The leaders summit will be preceded by: 1-3 Sept Energy sustainability working group; 3-4 Sept Finance and Central bank deputies meetings; 4-5 Sept Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meetings; 1 Oct High Level conference on access to energy in SS Africa; 2 Oct G20 Energy Ministers meeting; 5-6 Oct Trade Ministers meeting; 8 Oxt Finance Ministers and Central Bank governors dinner; and 13-14 Nov Sherpa meeting.
- The official landing page for the G20 Meetings in Paris can be found here.
19 Nov – BHP Billiton AGM (Perth)
20-23 Nov – Act on Climate Festival in Geelong
27 Nov – The People’s Climate March in Melbourne
26-27 Nov – UNESCO conference on indigenous people & climate change (France)
- UNESCO will sponsor an international conference on “Resilience in a Time of Uncertainty: Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change,” the organization recently announced. This conference will be held in Paris on 26-27 November, ahead of COP21.
- More information here.
30 Nov – 9 Dec – COP21 (France)
- The 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC is expected to be an opportunity for the world’s governments to agree to steps that progress the world towards a pathway for containing global carbon emissions to levels that help limit the worst consequences of climate change.
- The official landing page for COP 21 can be found here.
4 Dec – “Pathway to Paris” Concert (France)
- Pathway to Paris is an initiative in partnership with 350.org that brings together musicians, artists, activists, academics, politicians and innovators to participate in a series of events and dialogues to help raise consciousness around the urgency of climate action and the importance of establishing an ambitious, global, legally binding agreement at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris in December 2015.
- The final Pathway to Paris concert will take place December 4th 2015 in Paris and will include speakers and musicians such as Bill Mckibben, Naomi Klein, Vandana Shiva, Patti smith, Thom Yorke, Flea, Dhani Harrison, Tenzin Choegyal, Jesse Paris Smith, Rebecca Foon ad more.
- Find more information at www.pathwaytoparis.com.
4 Dec – Climate Summit for Local Leaders (France)
- Following recent successes of the Mayors Summit at the Vatican and in Lyon, France, on December 4 during COP21 in Paris, the mayors of New York and Paris, Michael Bloomberg and Anne Hidalgo will host a summit for mayors and local leaders, called the Climate Summit for Local Leaders. Find a longer list of upcoming events here on the TreeAlerts website, and if you would like to submit an event please email: Greg McNevin.