Dire warnings coming from Australian climate scientists

Home/Current news/Dire warnings coming from Australian climate scientists

154 Australian scientists demand climate policy that matches the science

“While the Paris Agreement remains unbinding and global warming has received minimal attention in the recent elections, governments worldwide are presiding over a large-scale demise of the planetary ecosystems, which threatens to leave large parts of Earth uninhabitable. We call on the Australian government to tackle the root causes of an unfolding climate tragedy and do what is required to protect future generations and nature, including meaningful reductions of Australia’s peak carbon emissions and coal exports, while there is still time. There is no Planet B.”

Read the letter and see who signed it:

» The Conversation – 25 August 2016:
An open letter to the Prime Minister on the climate crisis, from 154 scientists

Read more:

» The Guardian – 25 August 2016:
Letter signed by 154 Australian experts demands climate policy match the science
Leading climate and environmental scientists urge Malcolm Turnbull to take urgent action ‘while there is still time’

» The Guardian – 25 August 2016:
Climate scientists write another letter warning of unfolding crisis for Turnbull to ignore
By Graham Readfearn

About the Author:

Mik Aidt is a Danish journalist, musician and climate action campaigner based in Australia